Request Lisa Langell as a Speaker for Your Organization or Club

Live, professional and engaging learning for your organization!

Tired of speakers that just want you to admire their own portfolio? Lisa feels the same! (Honestly, isn't that what a website is for?)

Lisa is refreshingly different.  She provides your group with engaging, interactive, inspirational and highly educational content about photography and nature.  Complete with learning objectives and audience interaction,  your participants will come away with new knowledge, skills, and inspiration that they can apply right away. 

Lisa spent 20+ years working as an educational psychologist and international consultant.  She KNOWS teaching methods and how to teach people in ways that keep it engaging, fun, and positive. 

Thank you for requesting a presentation from Lisa Langell for your organization!
Due to her busy schedule, we are currently offering a limited number of live webinar presentations. Please complete the information below to the best of your ability, as it will help us in the planning process. You can expect a follow-up email or call from our team shortly, and we will provide you with the next steps as soon as possible!


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Availability:  Plan early!  Lisa's schedule fills up quickly due to high demand for her webinars.  

  2. Is there a fee?  Lisa provides two options:
       1.  $150 speaking fee:  She uses your webinar software
       2.   $) (free):  Lisa  uses her Zoom software (up to 500 participants).  This allows Lisa the ability to present her session (approximately 60-90 minutes), then follow up via email to registrants with a link to the recording.  Recipients are given the option to continue receiving her newsletter (sent approximately once per month) or opt out at any time. All registrant information is kept confidential and is never shared or sold. 

  3. Topics available for webinars?    
    Lisa offers something different: Lisa's sessions are not "narrated slide shows."  They are actual powerful educational tools!  She makes them engaging and audience-interactive.  These single-session photography classes are packed with information and inspiration designed to educate your members in wonderful ways.  
    • Alaska:  Tips for finding and photographing wildlife
    • The New Nature Photography:  Learning about creating images of nature that work beyond the magazine and calendar.  Re-imagining composition, exposure, framing, and many other rules, we will explore how the photography "rules" we've always learned don't always apply in all situations, markets and more.  This major mind shift makes this presentation one of Lisa's most in-demand sessions. 
    • The Visual Power of Contrast:  How to use selective contrast in ways you never thought about in-camera and in post-processing.  Learn why getting it exactly right is integral to creating impact, getting your audience to view your images with the experience you as the artist intended, and much more.  This is a highly interactive session with rave reviews! 
    • Abstract Photography:  A fresh look at the techniques behind the best images -- including why we should take the genre of abstract photography much more seriously!  The take-aways from this session will be applicable to building your portfolio of abstracts with skill and elegance.
    • Photographing Wildlife in High Key Style:  How to shoot in Lisa's favorite style--high-key!  These are the classic, light, bright and ethereal images that people adore and Lisa has been deemed by many as "The High Key Queen!"  Get introduced to what makes this genre so special and compelling--and how to start capturing high key images yourself!
    • An Artistic Photographer Lies in All of Us:  An inspirational, eye-opening and enlightening session with activities to expand your creative side.  You will come away from this session with numerous key "take aways" and strategies for pushing your own creativity, getting out of the "rut," and having actionable tools that will give you inspiration anywhere you go so that you never are "stuck" again!  Additionally, Lisa provides several activities that your camera clubs can do as a group to facilitate additional creativity.  
    • Image reviews & editing tips:  Lisa is well-known for her supportive, helpful, and educational image reviews.  Bringing her in to your group to do a review of images from your group will leave your members inspired, educated, and ready to push their craft further.  Lisa has a way of being wonderfully constructive, while never being harsh.  She believes you must know what you're doing right as much as needing to know what needs improvement.   She takes time to think and care about each image while she shares her thoughts.  Lisa will review images from  your audience and give suggestions on composition, editing (including demonstrations) and helpful commentary on what works well and what can be tried in the future to best capture  your favorite subjects and scenes.  To make the process easy, she sends you a link for members to use to upload their images so she can see them. 
    • Audience Size:
      • Minimum:  30
      • Maximum: 1000

  4. How does it work? 
    1. Request a live webinar (or in-person session if your organization is in Arizona) 
    2. Upon finalizing your topic and dates/times, you will be provided with:  
      1. A Marketing Packet:  This contains a headshot, biography, images pertinent to the session you chose, and a session description.  These may all be used to help promote your private session with your membership. 
      2. Registration link for members (If you request Lisa to use her Zoom account):  You will be sent a link well in advance of your live session to share with your invited participants to register and attend the session.  They will receive a confirmation email with a link that is unique for each individual.  They will then receive automated reminders via email shortly before the event, including the link to click on and join the live session.
      3. Club/Organization Business before or after:  Lisa is happy to accommodate club/organization announcements and important club business before or after the live session (within reason - 15 mins or so. If you need longer, you may schedule it via your own webinar software before or after her presentation).  She also loves to interact with your group before and/or after her presentation.

  5. How long are Lisa's sessions?  Each session is about 60-90 minutes of highly engaging, interactive and educational content, including chat & Q&A time before and/or after each session.  She always leaves you wanting more.  

  6. Is it recorded?  Yes.  Lisa will always record a session she hosts and sends it out to you within about 48 hours after the live session.    It is active for 30 days, allowing those who couldn't attend live to still enjoy the session.  It will be sent directly to all registrants. 

  7. Does Lisa talk with our group?  Yes!  Her sessions are designed to be engaging and audience-interactive!  She also will chat with the group before and after the session, answer questions, and more.