Join instructors Lisa Langell and Kim Gray for an unforgettable experience amidst migrating hummingbirds in Madera Canyon, Arizona.

Workshop Dates:

The workshop registration pages are now live!

May 1 - 4, 2025
May 4 - 7, 2025
Sep 4 - 7, 2025
Sep 7 - 10, 2025

Why is this photography experience so Magical?


The joy and vivid imagery participants are able to capture brings an instantaneous "ah-ha!" moment and delight when it all comes together in-camera! It truly is like magic! All while sitting, relaxed in your chair at 5000' altitude (cooler than the valley), taking in the amazing nature of Madera Canyon in southern Arizona.

Join instructors Lisa Langell and Kim Gray on this magical and very memorable experience. You will be amidst myriad hummingbirds that are concentrated in this renown area as they travel northward through Madera Canyon, Arizona-- an internationally known flyway for migrating hummingbirds.

• Instructors: 2
• Participants: 8

• A dedicated flash setup station for each client (no sharing required)
• We thoroughly teach you how to do this yourself!
• We provide all specialty gear - simply bring your camera, lenses, a trigger and tripod!
• Bat photography (September sessions) without the drive or added cost that other workshops charge
• Access to post-processing tutorials
• Photograph adjacent to your cabins
• Lots of laughter, smiles and joy included in every event!

Physical Fitness Level:     Level 2 - easy to moderate
Appropriate for those who are in good health and can participate in half or full day events. They generally involve walking at a light to moderate intensity at a light to moderate pace. Involves standing for longer periods of time, walking on flat or very gentle incline/declines on paved or unpaved surfaces for short periods (5-15 mins) with standing for periods of up to one hour. Frequent stops made as needed for rest, but seating may/may not be available at all times.

Photography Skill Level:  All levels. Hands-on instruction provided.  Knowledge of manual settings and working knowledge of your camera is strongly recommended.

You will learn to:

  • Set the proper exposure settings for traditional, high-key  and low-key style imagery
  • Properly use multiple off-camera flashes to illuminate and freeze the birds' wings
  • Position flowers, backdrops, lights, and feeders to maximize success
  • Learn how to photograph bats at night (September workshops only) 
  • Post-process images captured in-camera as well as optional compositing
  • Basic troubleshooting so that if something is amiss, you'll know how to fix it
  • Understand the ethics and research of using low-powered flash photography with the birds


High Key

Low Key

Nighttime Bat Photography - (September Only)


In summer, female Lesser long-nosed bats fly up from Mexico and Central America to feed on the nectar from saguaro and agave blossoms. We are able to photograph these bats seasonally at the lodge, right from the yard of your cabin. With specialized equipment, we will teach you how to set up your cameras to photograph these amazing creatures.   This is a fun treat and once it's set up, we can sit in the yard, away from the setups and visit with one another under the stars.  We may even see a coatimundi or ringtail pass by!

The lesser long-nosed bat is the primary species of bats we will photograph.

Females migrate to feed on agave here in the deserts of Arizona.

Additional highlights

Wildlife abounds in Madera Canyon!  The following birds and animals are often spotted at the lodge or on nearby trails.  This offers additional opportunities for you to photograph wildlife. 

Birds often sighted here:

  • Acorn Woodpecker
  • Mexican Jay
  • Gould's Turkey
  • Gambel's Quail
  • Bridled Titmouse
  • Arizona Woodpecker
  • Elf Owl (Spring)
  • Elegant Trogon (spring/fall)
  • Black-headed grosbeak
  • Summer and hepatic tanager
  • Sulfur-bellied flycatchers
  • Painted redstart
  • Bell's vireo
  • Pygmy owl
  • Mexican whip-poor-will
  • Whiskered screech owl
  • Zone-tailed hawk

Mammals often sighted here:

  • Coatimundi
  • Arizona Gray squirrel
  • Rock squirrel
  • Coues whitetail 
  • Raccoon
  • Black bear


Comfortable, quality lodging is included in the price of the workshop. You will be staying and photographing hummingbirds right on the grounds of the charming and historic Santa Rita Lodge.  The lodge is nestled in Madera Canyon, which lies within the Santa Rita Mountains of the Coronado National Forest.  These mountains are considered a Sky Island and feature several unique habitats and species endemic to the area.

• Private Room option: You may bring one additional, non-participating guest at no extra cost
• Shared room option: Share your room (two beds) with one other participant of the same gender. No extra guests.
• Extending your stay?  Contact the lodge to make your additional reservation independently. Â